The Geometry of String Compactifications

Lara Anderson (Virginia Tech)

28-Apr-2023, 19:00-20:00 (20 months ago)

Abstract: I will outline the rich interplay between geometry and physics in string compactifications. In particular, I will highlight connections between efforts to classify gauge and gravitational theories in diverse dimensions with progress in the Minimal Model Program and bounding/characterizing manifolds of SU(3) structure and Mumford stable holomorphic bundles over them. A key tool in this progress is the notion of topology-changing geometric transitions which arise naturally in string theory.


Audience: general audience

VCU Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Colloquium Series

Series comments: A series of public lectures in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Virginia Commonwealth University.

To attend virtually, please connect via Zoom using the following coordinates:

Zoom Meeting ID: 822 7853 4531 Password: VCUMATH101

Organizers: Laura Ellwein Fix, Nicola Tarasca*
*contact for this listing

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